Sindhi High School

Teachers Day

"Teaching is the greatest act of optimism"

On 5th of September teachers day was celebrated at our school .Hosted by the school management, they extended their warmest greetings and deepest gratitude to the teachers who have demonstrated unparalleled dedication and passion in their roles.

As a token of their heartfelt appreciation, honorable management felicitated Ms Pratima Pai Vice principal, Ms Alamelu Science Coordinator,Ms Suchitra Math Mentor for High School,Ms Asha F Preprimary Mentor ,Ms Santosh Sharma Admin Team who have completed 15 years of service., symbolising recognition of school staffs tireless dedication in shaping the minds of students.

A Lip-smacking lunch was organised by the school management. As the day came to an end, the spirit of gratitude will be carried forward, not just today but every day.